Go After Your Hearts Desires: Ignore the Distractors

I am so excited for the new year, 2015 was such a blessing in so many ways and I feel like every year just keeps getting better and better. I want to give a quick shout out to God, the Universe, my family and friends. You all are my motivation to better myself each and every day, to strive for greatness and to always pick myself back up when I fail and keep trying and trying again until I succeed.

I have notice that regardless of where I am in life, regardless of the previous success or achievements, I am never satisfied and I am sure the majority of humans are the same way. Which is a blessing and a curse, but I embrace it because it has become an addiction to be more, to do more, to know more, to love more. I think I have an addiction to be noticed, to be remembered and I am sure it can be annoying to others but I can’t help it and I don’t really care that much.

I would love to make everyone happy but that is not realistic. There will be people that are going to hate just to hate. I do it too. I see someone about to have the success that I want and I’m like “Fuck that fucker.” But luckily I snap out of it and I remember we all have our struggles, pain, failures, etc. If someone does you wrong or if someone treats you bad or makes you feel like nothing, just know its not you. It’s something they are going through and they will eventually progress, they might regress but they will change over time. Hopefully for the better.

Time is temporary and I think we should do our best to see the best in people, but also leave the people that are potentially being too toxic in our lives because we really don’t know what is after this life and if there is a God I don’t think it would be fair to him, her or it to say I am going to just wait to have a good life when I die. That is equivalent to a parent seeing their child hurt, in discomfort, feeling like a failure, dying, etc. Parents don’t want to see their children in those formats. I’m sure there are a lot of shitty parents out there and if you have shitty parents don’t allow that to take charge of your life. Don’t let that be an excuse for why your life sucks because at the end of the day no one will care as much as you.

I have been through times where I had chosen the path for people to feel sorry for me and it doesn’t feel good, you don’t feel proud and you don’t look like a bad ass. Make 2016 great, make it different, strive to learn more and help more people. Build a business, get the body you want for the beach, travel to countries that you have never been to before, learn a craft, become smarter, whatever your heart is telling you to achieve please don’t let it wash away. Go after it. Don’t let other peoples emotions tear you down and allow you to fail on yourself.


Have A

Healthy Day!

-Patrick Withrow

Instagram: @patrickwithrow

Twitter: @patrickwithrow


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