Patrick’s Progression for October 2015

Hey guys!

I am pretty proud of everything that I did this month. My biggest highlight would have to be the jujitsu competition that I did. I didn’t win but I was able to compete and hold my own. Even though I got Rhabdo during the competition I wouldn’t change anything. I got a new experience and during my time in the hospital I was able to really reflect on life and think about what would make me happy and what obstacles I would like to tackle next.

My financial goal I did not accomplish but I still made a decent amount of money and I am thankful for being able to learn how to make money online. I never really put much thought into it until I made the decision in May to make it happen and ever since I started I haven’t looked back. I am able to help people with products and services and in return I don’t have to work a 9 to 5 job which is a total blessing.

I moved from Maryland to Florida this month. Main reason for this was to get out of the cold since Winter is creeping up on us but I am heavily thinking about going to school in Florida since my in-state tuition is here. People always ask me what I want to get my degree in but I really just want to learn. I am confident that I will be making more than enough money in the next few years to never have any financial issues and I want spend that money on learning, helping family and friends, building businesses, investing it, traveling the world and just enjoying life in general.

Overall October 2015 was a good month with very few failures and many successes! Hope you guys have a great November. Hit us up if you have any questions or if you need any help in setting goals and getting a better idea of what you want out of life.

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Have A

Healthy Day!

-Patrick Withrow

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