Publishing and Writing my First Fiction Book!

Hey All!

One of my goals for November is to write my first Fiction book and publish it this month. This will be a hard goal since fiction writing isn’t something that I do on a regular basis but since I was able to automate and systematize most of my online business its given me a lot of free time which is exciting, but I also love being busy!

So for this month if you haven’t the watched the video I am looking for ideas from YOU. In a couple days once I get as many ideas as possible for the story I am going to make it my goal to put all of the ideas together by using my creative mind to organize it all and make it into something you all can enjoy and also feel happy for being able to help me create the story.

If you have a character idea, a problem the character or characters have to go through, anything you would like in the story big or small I will figure a way out to put it into the book. I will give you a free copy of the book when its finished through kindle if you give me an idea for the book. I will also promote your name or business at the end of the book for your help to making this happen. This book will be getting a lot of downloads so this can be very beneficial to your business or for your own personal brand that you are working on.

Bring on the IDEAS!

-Patrick Withrow

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3 thoughts on “Publishing and Writing my First Fiction Book!

    1. Thank you! I published it on kindle, but I plan on adding a few more chapters and then also making a paperback and audio version in the first quarter of 2016. If you download it I would love to hear your input. Here is a link to amazon

      Have A
      Great Week!



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