Book Review: The Way of the Superior Man

Hey guys!

One of the things that I want to include in this blog is a series of book reviews on some of the books that I am reading throughout the year. I feel like it will help me absorb the information a little bit better if I write about what I liked or didn’t like or what I learned or how my perspective on life changed because of a certain book.

Later on in the year I am also planning on doing YouTube videos with my brother Casey reviewing different books because we usually read the same literature and we think it would be cool to reflect on what we have read. Until then though I am going to periodically blog about recent books and possibly even articles that I have read and I hope you enjoy them and join in the conversation because I love hearing everyone’s view point.

Today I wanted to talked about “The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work and Sexual Desire” by David Deida. I really enjoyed this book for a lot of reasons but I would say the main reason it was so enjoyable was that I was able to look back on past experiences with women and have a better understanding of what my actions were potentially creating and what I could of done better in certain situations.

Ultimately what I got from it is that women are searching for love and men are searching for that journey. Women want to feel secure and that everything will be okay and men want someone who will believe in their journey and to be their ride or die. This book though can be great for any relationship, straight or gay. The idea behind David’s philosophy is that in any relationship there has to be a masculine and a feminine essence. Most relationships are apparently better when they have polar opposites, not necessarily for everyone but for most. There is a small percentage of people that the female has the masculine personality and the male has the feminine sense or where both are pretty evenly matched.

I personally believe a lot of this is developed when we are very young. Who did we surround ourselves with? Did we have a stable family or did we live in a broken home? Did we grow up with just a mom or just a dad? Were we adopted? Were we beaten? Did you hold the flash light for your dad or uncle why they worked on the car or did you learn how to color within the lines with your mom or older sister? Just even now…look at the 5 people that you surround yourself with the most. You have probably absorbed a lot of their personalities whether that is a blessing or not.

That is another subject though. I really enjoyed this book because it made me realize how wrong I have been in life with women. For example say I got in an argument with my woman or I could tell that she was not in a good mood. I would cowardly move out of the situation either by leaving or ignoring her, but where is the love in that? There isn’t any, but after reading this book anytime I see the woman I love in pain or upset with me it makes me want to love her. It makes me decide that I am choosing love first whether that means after she yells at me I try and kiss and hold her or I give her a back rub and bite her ear. I am making her know that I am present, that I am stable and I am ready to love because ultimately that is usually why the fights start. They aren’t feeling loved, so they might take a jab at your journey… and tell you that you are going to fail and that is just a test. How strong are you?

Your woman will test you a lot, apparently. I use to not be good with tests, but now that I know that the majority of the time they just want to see how strong you are. If you cry every time your woman challenges you then you are a fucking pussy. You got to be a man and you have to know that you are on your journey, you are okay and you are capable of showing your love while you are on that journey. No woman wants to be the journey, do not make a woman be your everything. It may seem like it at times in your relationships that they want to be the only thing on your mind but that is not the case.

There will be relationships that you encounter that can be very toxic. If that is the case then eventually you should move on because ultimately you need to have happiness before you can make anyone else happy. Do your best to always show love even when “your right” because at the end of the day you could be dead in 5 minutes. That would suck if you didn’t live your last 5 minutes happy and loved everyone.

I could go on and on with this book because every chapter I was hooked! There was 8 parts to it and I think there was 51 very short chapters. I liked how he organized everything because when I read I like to feel like I’m reading fast. Don’t ask me why…its probably because I am a guy and I like to think everything is a competition. Overall though I learned a lot from David Deida and if you have any questions on relationships or love he has many books and from what I have read he is a master at relationships and a love guru.

You can download his book by clicking on the photo below! I hope you enjoyed my review and if you could leave any feedback that would be great. I want to continue to improve these blog posts so let me know what you like and didn’t like so that I can continue to get better.



Have a

Healthy Day!


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